Sleep with Disability 2 Day Training
Participants comments on pace and presentation style
All good!; 2 days went well – after the first session I went home and reflected. Ready to learn more on day 2. Plenty of quality information covered in 2 days. Autism service Adelaide 2016.
Annie was fantastic with the right balance of discussion, presentations, DVD and small group work. Participants early intervention program 2015.
Good pace for me- was able to keep up; thought it was great having activities/discussion to break the learning up and keep my mind going. Autism service Adelaide 2016.
What did you find most important to you in this training?
I found the training offered me more confidence around offering support around sleep to the families I work with. Also offering various strategies that can be used around sleep. I can’t wait to try some of the strategies in my own home. Participant Sleep with Disability training, Adelaide 2015.
The background information to sleep eg cycles, melatonin, current strategies used; resources provided very valuable. Participant Childhood Early Intervention Service NSW 2016.
A great explanation and exploration of various strategies. Honestly, I thought it was great! In the beginning I wondered why we were delving so deeply into ‘what is sleep’ but by the end of day 1 I totally see why we did and think it was definitely necessary. Participant Childhood Early Intervention Service NSW 2016.
Presenting a range of approaches so that parents can choose what works for them. Fantastic – so much content. It was a huge gap in my skill base, I’m so thrilled I did the training. Participant Melbourne City Mission 2015.
Thank you so much for a wonderful 2 days. I enjoyed the workshop; the presentation was excellent, clear and flowed well. The research was interesting and I appreciated the information they gave on the benefits of the Sleepwise Program. Thank you for sharing information and resources! I can’t wait to share the information with families I work with. Participant Melbourne City Mission 2015.
Pretty much all of it!. Interventions were great – look forward to using them. The ability to apply learnt knowledge immediately in workshops, increase transferability of skill to practice. Autism service Adelaide 2016.
The importance of doing thorough sleep diaries and sleep interview to inform the strategies put in place. Participant Sleep with Disability training, Adelaide 2015.
Multi factorial framework to assessment and management of sleep difficulties. Participant Melbourne 2015.
Understanding sleep cycle, normal sleep hours for different ages. Participant Sleep with Disability training, Adelaide 2015.
A more structure, comprehensive, ordered approach to sleep concerns. looking at more than one strategy and how to begin implementing/creating a sleep plan. Participant Melbourne City Mission 2015.
The ability to apply learnt knowledge immediately in workshops, increase transferability of skill to practice. Participant Autism service Adelaide 2016.
The real life examples, being able to relate it to actual situations. Participant Autism service Adelaide 2016.