It is essential that health and educational professionals consider sleep when assessing and supporting children and teenagers with developmental disabilities and their families.
Gregory Stores, a UK doctor has advocated for many years that we require the training of professionals and development of support services at three levels (Stores 2010)
1. Those working in the home and local community services.
2. General paediatirc services.
3. Specialist sleep services.
These webinars are aimed for the allied health and educational professionals working in the home and local community. Research & clinical practice in addressing sleep disturbance in children and teenagers with developmental delay is growing and there is now a body of evidence to support intervention.Workers have the potential to run sleep education sessions for parent/carers in their own communities or support individual families.
Children who present with medical issues such as sleep-related breathing and movement problems, epilepsy, G-I, reflux, constipation, allergies, eczema, pain and severe anxiety require referral to medical health professional.